Citizen Doug Productions

Emmy award winning sound design and location audio

Category: Location Sound

  • Citizen Doug Records Deepwater Horizon Widow One Year After for NPR’s Tell Me More

    Citizen Doug Records Deepwater Horizon Widow One Year After for NPR’s Tell Me More

    At the one year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon spill, NPR’s Tell me More with Michel Martin asked me to travel to the home of Shelly Anderson and record this interview. Soon to be three years since the Transocean rig exploded, on the day of this posting, the Swiss company has settled with the US…

  • Doug Robertson records Gene Wilder on InnerVIEWS

    Doug Robertson records Gene Wilder on InnerVIEWS

    While at HoustonPBS, I occasionally provided location audio recording for Innerviews with Ernie Manouse, a two camera interview show. Mr Wilder was a gracious guest. Other Innerviews recorded by Citizen Doug: Gene Wilder, Bob Geldof, Garrison Keillor, Kinky Friedman

  • Citizen Doug Productions does frequency coordination

    Citizen Doug Productions does frequency coordination

    Citizen Doug Productions has gathered a range of software, tools and experience that gives our clients a level of confidence that is necessary in today’s hostile radio spectrum. Wireless mics, in-ear monitors, wireless intercom, camera hops, on set listening, all must compete with digital TV stations, other wireless operators and even themselves for space that…

  • New Leer Cap for the Tacoma expands services at CDP

    New Leer Cap for the Tacoma expands services at CDP

    The trusty old steed, a 2003 crew cab four wheel drive Tacoma SR-5 has a new Leer Cap that can not only store more, but also frees up the seats in the cab for crew. It also has rack rails for ladders, stands, a canoe. It’s all about options. Need a ride to the airport?…

  • Citizen Doug Records Bob Geldof for Innerviews

    Citizen Doug Records Bob Geldof for Innerviews

    While at HoustonPBS, I got to record Bob Geldof for Innerviews with Ernie Manouse. This was early in the run of the two camera half hour interview show. Shot at Holocost Museum Houston, there were some noise reduction efforts required in post production in the Pro Tools Suite I built at KUHT. He was definitely…

  • High Speed, Slow Motion Sound Effects and location recording for BP Team USA

    High Speed, Slow Motion Sound Effects and location recording for BP Team USA

    Citizen Doug Productions provided Sound Effects location recording and location recording for the BP Team USA shoot at Houston Studios for Picture Farm and Ogilvy. Phantom and Red One high speed and Sony HD cameras were supported on set. 192 kHz 24 bit recording was used for the slow motion sound captures. A behind the…

  • Garrison Keillor on Innerviews with Ernie Manouse

    Occasionally I got to sub for Shannon Harrison (who has done the vast majority of the location audio on this fine series) or Gordon Luce doing sound for Innerviews wth Ernie Manouse, a Matt Brawley directed series. The guests are always notable and the conversation always almost a half an hour. is here on…

  • Location Sound, ‘Disaster in the Gulf’ Discovery Channel and NPR’s Tell me More

    Location Sound, ‘Disaster in the Gulf’ Discovery Channel and NPR’s Tell me More

      My good friend Julye Newlin got me two days in ‘the Hive’ the BP control room for the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill for the Discovery Channel shooting this HD documentary. We were the only crew to gain such direct access. One year Later, NPR’s Tell Me More hired me to go record Shelly Anderson…

  • Sound Design “The Last 24” : DWDT’s ‘Made In Italy’

    Last 24 is an amazing documentary from the mind of Ernie Manouse and his friendship with Dominic Walsh. Somebody should have run with this concept. Douglas Robertson supervised the sound design which included up to five camera crews, live pit orchestra recording as well as playback and intercom recordings. Shannon Harrison was the lead audio…

  • Dean Ruck’s Big Bubble

    For more information This is an excerpt from HoustonPBS’ Art Is All Around Us: Downtown. Douglas Robertson was awarded a 2006 Lonestar Emmy for the Craft of Audio for his work as location recordist, and sound designer. Brad Sayles was nominated for a Lonestar Emmy for his original score. Editing and Videography were ably provided…

  • Citizen Doug Records Whitney Houston’s Pastor Kim Burrell for Extra

      Citizen Doug records Pastor Kim Burrell for Extra at the The Love & Liberty Fellowship Church in a wide ranging conversation about their friendship of 13 years, the hours after Houston’s death, and praying with her daughter Bobbi Kristina.

  • Thanks Mr. Yao! Always a pleaure working with you.

  • 2004 Lonestar Emmy winning Sound Design Composite

    2004 Lonestar Emmy winning Sound Design Composite from Douglas Robertson on Vimeo.

  • THIRD WARD TX, the movie, 2 minute trailer

    THIRD WARD TX, the movie, 2 minute trailer

    THIRD WARD TX, the movie, 2 minute trailer, directed by Andrew Garrison, a six year labor that I was honored to be assigned while working at HoustonPBS. It contains the philosophy, art, history and community behind Project Row Houses. This art/community development project is the cornerstone of the long list of reasons why Rick Lowe…

  • Harmony Movie is about King Charles and Sustainability

    Harmony Movie  is about King Charles and Sustainability

      Location Sound Services in Kinder, LA provided by Citizen Doug Productions. The subject was Kurt Unkel of Cajun Grains, a farmer of sustainably raised rice on his family’s land in Kinder, LA. I cannot recommend his grains more highly and encourage contact with this model of American farming. Thanks to Christopher Johnson for recommending me…

  • Sound Design “The Last 24” : DWDT’s ‘Made In Italy’

    Sound Design “The Last 24” : DWDT’s ‘Made In Italy’

    Last 24 is an amazing documentary from the mind of Ernie Manouse and his friendship with Dominic Walsh and DWDT. Somebody should have run with this concept. Douglas Robertson supervised the sound design which included up to five camera crews, live pit orchestra recording as well as playback and intercom recordings. Shannon Harrison was the…

  • Citizen Doug provides location audio for WildAid PSA – Yao Ming: Shark Fin Soup

    Citizen Doug provides location audio for WildAid PSA  – Yao Ming: Shark Fin Soup

    Citizen Doug Productions provided location sound and sound effects recording for this Lonestar Emmy nominated PSA for Wild Aid produced by K & K Media. This was a double system actual film shoot at the Aquarium Houston and included some nice green screen work to put the injured shark in the tank. No animals were…